12 Following


Sweet Dreams  - Kristen Ashley It was a repeat of the first book.Small town, heroine new to the town, eveyone loves the hero, the local fall in love with the heroine, ass hat hero (add jerk to it too) a heroine that forgives the hero all his faults let him jerk her around , And lots of other stuff which were the same in both books , if I want to get to all of them my review will be as long as the book.
It was a bit more than ok so 2.5 stars.
I am not feeling happy after finishing it, I am wondering about why eveyone loves Tate. At least Lauren had a bit more spine and could finish a sentence (compare to the heroine of the other book).
I already got the next book in the series but I'm not sure if it's a good idea for me to read it.